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I’m a developer and a musician, usually I spend my time either playing guitar or programming in ruby, just for fun.

New blog just for RuGUI!

Today, I’ve setup this new blog for RuGUI. All posts that we’re in the Intelitiva’s blog were imported into this new blog.

This blog is the official RuGUI blog from now on. There is still some work to do in the blog, specially its appearence, hope to change it soon.


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RuGUI repository and Issue Tracker changed

RuGUI repository and Issue Tracker moved in GitHub

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Be a Developer, not a Programmer!

In the past days I’ve been thinking about those two words: Developer and Programmer. Wikipedia says that a Programmer is someone who writes computer software, while a Developer is someone concerned with the developement process, somenone who architects the software, on a higher level.
Well, for me, the difference is more simple. What is a program [...]

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Getting your feet wet with RuGUI

If you have already read this article you may wonder: “Ok, I can do a Hello World application with some new framework, so now what?”.
“Hello World” applications are not usually very good examples of real world applications, they are just there to get you started. However no one would ever write a tutorial using a [...]

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Olá RuGUI! Desenvolvendo aplicações desktop utilizando Ruby/GTK

Este post é a tradução do post intitulado Hello RuGUI!

Então você quer começar a brincar com GTK e Ruby mas ainda não sabe por onde começar? Não tenha medo, estamos aqui para ajudá-lo. Existem muitos exemplos de programas “Olá, Mundo!” com Ruby/GTK. Bem, ambos Ruby e GTK são excelentes escolhas para a construção de aplicações [...]

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Hello RuGUI! Developing desktop applications using Ruby/GTK

Introduce basic concepts needed to start out with RuGUI framework.

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